
CL Frostyle Introduces Us to Dubai’s Hip Hop Ninjas

March 21, 2018

Who knew Dubai was home to a troop of Hip Hop Ninjas?! We met up with Christopher Lawrence A.K.A @clfrostyle and his troop of ninja Hip Hop dancers – the DXB Titans – to learn what a Hip Hop workout session entails and how we can add some awesome moves to our own routine.

Meet CL: Christopher Lawrence is not only a Hip Hop dancer; he is also a Guinness World Record holder after partaking in the ‘Longest Video Game Marathon Playing a Motion-Sensing Dance Game’, which lasted for 16 hours, 21 minutes and 44 seconds. Hip-hop is his life and he works his way around the city mentoring, teaching and dancing. If you’re aware of the Hip Hop scene in Dubai, chances are you’ve heard of Christopher ‘CL’ Frostyle Lawrence!

Tips from CL:

We asked CL to share some advice for budding Hip Hop dancers in Dubai:

Are there any beginner moves that I can learn at home?: Start off by mastering the Hip-Hop Bounce. Then move to the Milly Rock or Top Rock and if you’re feeling adventurous, try a combination of CC Rock, Helicopter, Kris-Kross and the Bicycle. It’s easy to find tutorials on YouTube!

How much does it cost? Not a thing. Dancing is free… it just costs time and effort to ensure your hard work translates into awesome moves.

Where can I find the DXB Titans? You can discover Chris on Instagram here. Or you can follow DXB Titans on Facebook.

insydo verdict: “Hip-Hop is a really fun and practical way to get a full body workout. You work on your cardio, strength and learn some killer dance moves in the process…We think that’s a win-win-win!”

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